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No Code Notifications using variables  with Dragon Pack® Audit - with Dragon Pack® Audit

Dragon Pack® Audit that allows you to create notifications using variables for different time periods, like prior month, prior quarter, prior Year, etc...
Learn how to set up these notifications for any change (or New) record.
Apply the filters for specific changes, then schedule these notifications to be sent out automatically and all you need is the person or groups email address. Please make sure to follow along and set up your notifications as I’ve shown! Look how easy 👇👇👇
Agile Dragon Group presents the Dragon Den with FREE Infor Birst Training!

                                                        👇Watch How 👇


How Dragon Pack® Audit uses Birst to its Advantage

Dragon Pack® Audit is part of Agile Dragon Group’s standardized reporting solution, enhances the value of Infor Birst for CloudSuite Distribution customers. Dragon Pack Audit captures new and changed records. with an user friendly interface.

If you’re ready to unlock the full potential of your data without incurring unnecessary costs to find out who made a change to a customer price record last month, it’s time to explore the power of Dragon Pack® on Infor Birst. Contact us today to learn more.

#Birst #theusergroup #Infor #inforBirst #CloudSuite #Distribution #CSD  


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Dragon Den(SM) is ADG’s community focused on all aspects of Birst knowledge and development.  Whether it is our free content or our paid training, we are here to support you throughout your Birst journey, from building accessing your first dashboard to building your Birst solutions.